Friday, June 6, 2014

A Bit About Me.

                   Hi Guys! So this is my first blog. but I know I'm going to love it. I can't post too often because I don't have a cell phone, computer, or wifi where I live but I have neighbors and family who do. So if I'm going to tell my story I better start at the beginning. I was born May 10, 1999 my mother is Cathy Allen and my father is Timothy Wilson. When I was born my mom and dad were both 19, and on the 26th of June that same year they were married! And we all lived happily ever after, until the end of the wedding. You see, at that point my moms sister and the love of my fathers life, Shannon, moved in with us. My parents split soon after, and I stayed with my mom and visited my dad every other weekend. Not long after that, my mother had my sister and also got into some heavy partying and all that that entails; drinking & drugs, and not just marijuana but heavy drugs such as heroin, and cocaine. My father tried to get to me to keep me safe from my moms friends, no, drug buddies and from herself, but my mother forbid him from seeing me until I was about 4 or 5. We lived in a trailer park, the same park as my aunt and cousins, and my mother and my sisters father would fight, mostly because of my mothers partying and belligerent behavior. I specifically remember being so scared at one point I rode my bike to my aunts house, and within moments my mom showed up in the car. She beat the hell out of me with the belt. There were nights I was up all night because she would come home so drunk she would turn the radio all the way up, smash things, the whole 9 yards. I would get my 7 year-old self and 5 year old sister ready for school day after day, while my mother slept off her hang-over on the couch. While I was in 3rd grade my mom was incarcerated for some drug-related charge, and I went to live with my dad. That was probably the biggest miracle of my life. Then I met Kim, and her daughter Amelia. Kim was there for me when my mom wasn't, from my first boyfriend, fights with my best-friend, fights with my mom, and even going through puberty. She was with me for 5 years, I helped raise Amelia, she was basically my sister. I loved her more than anyone in the world. And then one day, she just left, but she knew she was leaving and she promised me that it wouldn't affect our relationship, but she never called me I always had to call her, and one day she changed her number. And now I don't have either, and sometimes it feels like when they left, they took my heart with them. And that brings us to today. 


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